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Personal Blogs

Posting interesting and fun articles about programming, software and cyber security topics as frequently as I can.

Practicing Go with Struct, Json, API and Templates
·791 words·4 mins
go json struct templates
Building TCP Websockets with Go
·831 words·4 mins
go concurrency web-sockets tcp
How to use NMAP for information gathering
·411 words·2 mins
kali-linux cyber-security nmap pentesting-tool
Simple REST API server with Go
·1056 words·5 mins
golang rest-api backend
Struct method aka Reciever function in Go
·162 words·1 min
go reciever-func struct-method
(In Progress) Concurrency with Goroutines
·41 words·1 min
go go-routines concurrency
Why you might not wanna share photos online so easily
·524 words·3 mins
kali-linux cyber-security